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Astrology and Career

Need to reorient astrological principles Astrology has moved from stages of fortune telling and predictions about marriage, children, illness through muhurta, prasana varshphal etc. into more complex...

Mangal Dosha And Its Reality

It is important to know some of the basic characteristics of the planet Mangal i.e. Mars prior to discuss Manglik Dosha. Mangal is red hot planet and known as commander among all the planets. Being a...

There Are Reasons to Celebrate Diwali

The festival of Diwali is celebrated by Indians throughout the world in a joyous mood, with zeal and enthusiasm. The festival is predominated by colorful display of lights, bursting of crackers...

Chhat Puja is Worship to Sun God: A Vedic Tradition

Chhat puja is one of the popular festivals of Bihar and Jharkhand. It is also celebrated in states like West Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and even in other countries like Nepal and Mauritius...

Sex Is One Among 64 Creative Arts of Vast Indian Legacy

A person should cultivate a creative attitude in order to successfully advance along the path of love.This is a positive mental attitude, a dynamically charged state of mind, which derives its potency...


Plants play an important role in deciding the Vastu of a place affecting the same indirectly. It has been stated, observed and verified that a number of plants, if planted properly as per ancient...

Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi Vrat

Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi Vrat Prabhodhini Ekadashi, also known as Dev Uthani Ekadashi, Utthana Ekadashi, Bodhini Ekadashi and Dev Utthana Ekadashi, is observed in the month of Kartik in the traditional...

साप्ताहिक लव होरोस्कोप (14 सितम्बर से 20 सितम्बर, 2020 तक)

प्यार एक ऐसा सुखद एहसास है, जिसे हर व्यक्ति चाहता हैl प्यार के मिठास को चखने की लालसा सभी की होती हैl प्यार के संचार से हमारी अंतर्क उर्जा बढती है और उत्साह का संचार होता हैl विपरीत परिस्थितियों से...

देवगुरु बृहस्पति मार्गी होकर किस को करेंगे मालामाल

देवगुरु बृहस्पति 13 सितम्बर,2020, रविवार को प्रातः 06: 11 बजे धनु राशि में 122 दिन के वक्री गमन के उपरांत मार्गी हो रहे हैंl फिर ये धनु से 20 नवम्बर, 2020, शुक्रवार को अपराह्न 02 :55 बजे अपनी नीच राशि...
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